Saturday, 8 August 2015


The Bangalore Development Authority and the Karnataka Housing Board are the only two government agencies dealing with the housing needs of the people of Bangalore, though, however, there are a large number of private property developers including housing cooperative societies in the field.

Ever since its formation in the year 1976, the. B.D.A. has formed 62 layouts and has allotted house sites/to about 2lakhs people. But the newly formed layouts such as Visveswaraiah Layout, Banashankari 6th stage, Anjanapura Layout, lack even the basic civic amenities such as good roads, water and sanitary facilities, public transport, schools and colleges, market centres, recreation clubs, parks, street lights even though several years have elapsed. The resultant effect is that many of the allottees of sites in these layouts have not come forward to put up construction.

When this is the plight of the allottees of the house sites in these layouts, there are a large number of people eagerly waiting for announcement of new layouts to try their luck. The population of Bangalore is estimated to be around 85lakhs and at least about 50% of them may be in need of house or house sites. Assuming that the K.H.B has allotted house and or house sites to about 1lakh people, in addition to the house sites allotted by the BDA, and further assuming that about 10% to 15% of the remainder have purchased properties from the private property developers, still there remains a large number of people who are yet to get their housing needs fulfilled.

Before initiating any steps for formation of new layouts, the B.O.A. and other connected agencies may take up on priority basis the work relating to the civic and other amenities in the already formed layouts to make them fit for human habitation so that the allotters of sites may construct their houses and move into them. Only thereupon, the 3.0.A may initiate action to develop fully fledged townships with all civic amenities and best road and rail connectivity. The present practice of simply forming layouts without providing civic amenities and making the allottees to wait for several years for these facilities may be discontinued. It is suggested that the procedure adopted in the case of private property developers permitting them to sell only 60% of the total sites in their layouts at the first stage and to sell the remaining 40% upon completion of the layout fully may be adopted in respect of the new layouts to be formed by the BDA so that the BOA may move faster.

Further, the role of the private property developers cannot be overlooked particularly for the reason that theBDA/KHB are not in a position to meet the housing needs of the people fully. It would be fair if the Government encourages the private property developers and introduce a single window clearance system for approval of layouts formed them to avoid unnecessary delay in granting approval and tossing the documents to several departments. While at the same time, stringent punishment may be inflicted on the property developers who violate building bye-laws and other statutory regulations and cheat the public.


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