Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Advocate S Selvakumar|Property advocates in Bangalore|Property lawyers in Bangalore
The possession of land has originated from yore and has modified the hands through series of transactions. It’s important to trace the possession of the one who is giving his property as security. One in every of the foremost necessary factors in verification of title is that the amount up to that the title has got to be copied to avoid any disputes. Generally, the tracing has 3 necessary steps; origin, flow, and gift standing.  Most of the advocates trace the title for a amount of thirteen years solely. Many times, not even one dealing might need taken place inside this era. this era would solely take away the probabilities of adverse possession, wherever an individual aside from real owner would are in actual, peaceful, open, continuous and exclusive possession of stabile property for a amount of twelve years or additional in total denial of title to actuality owner, in such things, such resident of the property would get title to the property by adverse possession. except for adverse possession, there are different things that got to be examined to reach the title.
The limitation amount for redemption of mortgage is thirty years as per Article 61(a) of the Limitation Act. Limitation against Government is thirty years. consistent with Section ninety of the Indian proof Act, any document dead thirty years or before is plausible to be valid, since it's on the far side legal claim.

Article 61(b) of the Limitation Act prescribes limitation amount of twelve years for filing suit for recovery of the possession of property who has noninheritable  the encumbered property from the mortgage holder, while not the information of the debtor.The subsequent example would clearly demonstrate the case.

The limitation amount for redemption of mortgage is thirty years. The mortgage holder transfers the encumbered property to a different person when twenty nine years while not the information of the debtor. after the debtor involves apprehend of this dealings. He has right to file a suit for recovery of the encumbered property from the emptor and therefore the limitation amount is twelve years. The mortgage could like such suit inside forty two years when the date of mortgage (30+12).

By examining the title and encumbrance certificates for thirteen years, advocates wouldn't be in position to trace the mortgage created earlier to thirteen years, or any document dead earlier, or the claim of the govt.. Intrinsically it'd be preferred to trace the title for a minimum amount of forty two years. This is often solely a minimum amount and relying upon specific case tracing has got to be in dire straits additional periods.

Origin or 1st owner
The tracing should begin with scrutiny of earliest document recorded. If such documents isn't created available; the certified copies got to be obtained from registering authorities however shouldn't be neglected.  Earlier documents are known as as mother or parent documents. The partition deed, gift deed, unharness deed, settlement deed, power of professional aren't mother documents.

Flow of the property
Subsequently, the property usually changes hands by varied modes like sale, gift, partition, inheritance. every amendment of the possession has got to be copied with the assistance of transfer document. The sequence ought to be in written account order continuous and unbroken. Any ape-man has got to be fastidiously scrutinized by concerning the records at registering offices, revenue records and recitals in different documents and if attainable by ascertaining from the parties involved. Nothing ought to be plausible and left to probability. The flow ought to be up to the possession of gift owner. the correct of every intermediate owner to transfer the property ought to be totally checked.

Present standing / Current owner
After examining the flow of the property, the documents of title of this owner, through that he has noninheritable  the possession has got to be examined. this could be additional supported by revenue documents like Khatha. Encumbrance certificates, tax paid receipts, Khatha extracts.

Joint family properties / Hindu undivided family
The property of joint Hindu family needs further care. although the Khatha of the family has right to alienate such properties, it ought to he just for legal requirements of the joint family, if not any legal heir could dispute the dealings.

Minor properties
Any transfer of Hindu minor properties needs permission of the Competent court, and solely natural guardians / or guardians appointed by the court got to represent the minor in transactions. Minor could dispute the transactions and assert his right inside 3 years when attaining majority, if the court has not permissible such dealings.   

Properties allotted/ granted by government / statutory bodies
The tracing of the title in respect of properties granted / assigned by government, statutory bodies like BDA, KHB is also done from the date of such grant/allotment.

Creation of equitable  mortgage
Only the person having valid marketable title as certified by the legal consultant will produce equitable  mortgage in favor of the money establishments. Legal scrutiny report ought to clearly specify the name of the persons who got to produce mortgage.

Only original title deeds of the property ought to be accepted for mortgage copies of that square measure examined by the advocate. just in case of partition, purchase of flats, certified copies of the partition, development agreement together with original documents like sale agreement, sale deed, and possession certificate is also accepted for mortgage.  Revenue documents like khatha, tax paid receipts ought to even be deposited.Legal consultant ought to clearly indicate that are the documents that are to be accepted in original, certified copies or photocopies for deposit.


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